Planning Quality

Our goal: zero defects 


We plan our qual­i­ty, as we don’t want to acquire qual­i­ty by test­ing our prod­ucts. Our qual­i­ty man­age­ment sys­tem based on trans­par­ent and eco­nom­ic process­es, our process-ori­ent­ed approach and our risk-based think­ing to iden­ti­fy risks and oppor­tu­ni­ties make an impor­tant con­tri­bu­tion to enthuse our customers.
The con­tin­u­ous improve­ment of our qual­i­ty man­age­ment sys­tem, the safe­ty of our prod­ucts over the entire prod­uct life cycle, sus­tain­abil­i­ty and com­pli­ance with applic­a­ble laws and reg­u­la­tions are ground­break­ing for us. 


We are a com­pa­ny that offers its cus­tomers the most ben­e­fi­cial solutions.
We strive to con­tin­u­ous­ly improve the qual­i­ty of our prod­ucts and ser­vices and rely on mod­ern tech­nolo­gies which we con­tin­u­ous­ly improve. 


We devel­op and deliv­er prod­ucts and sys­tems with high reli­a­bil­i­ty, their safe appli­ca­tion based on the require­ments of our customers.
We strive to man­u­fac­ture defect-free prod­ucts to be the bench­mark for qual­i­ty and prod­uct safe­ty in our industry.
We are com­mit­ted to ensure prod­uct safe­ty through­out the whole prod­uct life cycle. 


We involve every­one in process and prod­uct improve­ment and fos­ter an envi­ron­ment of con­tin­u­ous learn­ing and development.
Togeth­er we bear the respon­si­bil­i­ty for the qual­i­ty and safe­ty of our prod­ucts. We ben­e­fit from the knowl­edge, expe­ri­ence and skills of every indi­vid­ual in our company. 


We see qual­i­ty as a pas­sion and an oblig­a­tion toward our cus­tomers. The goal is zero defects in the prod­ucts and in the ser­vices of our company.

In recent years, SCHERDEL has received sev­er­al awards from the fol­low­ing companies: 






We have anchored envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion in our com­pa­ny objec­tives. We imple­ment this com­mit­ment in our own pro­duc­tion process­es through the care­ful use of raw mate­r­i­al and ener­gy, and, of course, through com­pli­ance with the valid envi­ron­men­tal reg­u­la­tions. This com­mit­ment reflects in par­tic­u­lar out tar­get to devel­op prod­ucts with our cus­tomers, which will lead to con­tin­u­ous sav­ings through their use, e.g. through dura­bil­i­ty and engine effi­cien­cy. Progress based on tra­di­tion should also be an open path for our children.


We will save up to 40% of our emis­sions by 2030.

„We have the respon­si­bil­i­ty to guar­an­tee the employ­ees secure jobs. For the SCHERDEL­Group growth and secure jobs are major keys of suc­cess. There­fore, our entre­pre­neur­ial action is sub­ject to the prin­ci­ples of sus­tain­abil­i­ty. How­ev­er sus­tain­able devel­op­ment may be achieved only if the cor­re­spond­ing envi­ron­men­tal, eco­nom­ic and social aspects are imple­ment­ed at the same time. This makes it pos­si­ble to ensure and improve the eco­log­i­cal, eco­nom­ic and social per­for­mances of our soci­ety.“ (SCHERDEL Sus­tain­abil­i­ty direc­tive) The man­age­ment adopt­ed a cli­mate strat­e­gy at the end of last year as an impor­tant foun­da­tion for sus­tain­able devel­op­ment. Like the sus­tain­abil­i­ty direc­tive, this applies to the entire SCHERDEL­Group. The goal of the cli­mate strat­e­gy is to reduce 40% of our emis­sions by 2030 (base year 2019). In order to achieve this goal, the fol­low­ing approach­es are pursued:


We use our resources care­ful­ly and imple­ment ener­gy sav­ing rules. The rules are con­tin­u­al­ly being expand­ed and followed

Own production

We are plan­ning fur­ther use and expan­sion of our own gen­er­a­tion in the form of PV sys­tems on SCHERDEL ground. The planned PV sys­tems are being pushed for­ward as part of the planned invest­ments and poten­tial analysis.

Green Energy

We will use green elec­tric­i­ty at least at all Ger­man loca­tions from 2030.

Circular Economy

We want to make a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion to the eco­log­i­cal and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment of our com­pa­ny by work­ing togeth­er with our part­ners on the care­ful use of resources and strength­en­ing the cir­cu­lar econ­o­my. In the first step, we want to achieve trans­paren­cy from our sup­pli­ers for the top pur­chased prod­ucts with regard to Scope 3 emis­sions. This will be incor­po­rat­ed into our sup­pli­er eval­u­a­tion. We are specif­i­cal­ly look­ing for Scope 3 light­house projects that make an active con­tri­bu­tion to reduc­ing emis­sions across the entire sup­ply chain.



Compliance Communication System

Part of our cor­po­rate responsibility

A whistle­blow­er sys­tem serves our com­pa­ny to detect attempt­ed and com­plet­ed vio­la­tions of inter­nal poli­cies and laws at an ear­ly stage. Valu­able infor­ma­tion can be pro­vid­ed not only by employ­ees but also by busi­ness part­ners and third par­ties. In this regard, we would appre­ci­ate it if you could report any iden­ti­fied irreg­u­lar­i­ties and vio­la­tions of laws to us. The infor­ma­tion received through the sys­tem is sent direct­ly to our ombuds­man, who han­dles it con­fi­den­tial­ly in com­pli­ance with legal reg­u­la­tions for the pro­tec­tion of whistle­blow­ers and data pri­va­cy. You also have the option to sub­mit reports anony­mous­ly. Pro­vid­ing your name is vol­un­tary. How­ev­er, if you choose to make an anony­mous report, you will not be informed about any mea­sures that may have been taken.
We ask for your under­stand­ing that the whistle­blow­er sys­tem is intend­ed only for report­ing vio­la­tions of laws, poli­cies, or our inter­nal sus­tain­abil­i­ty pol­i­cy. Gen­er­al com­plaints as well as prod­uct and war­ran­ty inquiries will not be processed through this system. 

Pro­cess­ing of the data you provide:

We use the infor­ma­tion you pro­vide in the whistle­blow­er sys­tem for pur­pos­es such as ver­i­fy­ing and doc­u­ment­ing reports, inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tions (includ­ing shar­ing with exter­nal lawyers, audi­tors, or oth­er pro­fes­sion­al prac­ti­tion­ers bound by con­fi­den­tial­i­ty, as well as with affect­ed com­pa­nies with­in the SCHERDEL Group), and pos­si­bly for dis­clo­sure to gov­ern­men­tal author­i­ties (such as the police, pub­lic prosecutor’s office, or courts). We assure all whistle­blow­ers that their infor­ma­tion will be treat­ed con­fi­den­tial­ly. The legal basis for pro­cess­ing the per­son­al data you pro­vide is the ful­fill­ment of legal oblig­a­tions (Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. c DS-GVO).

    First name (vol­un­tary)

    Last name (vol­un­tary)

    Email (vol­un­tary)

    Your Mes­sage: *

    The SCHERDELGroup: Mechan­i­cal Engineering