
receive valu­able insights

For school stu­dents in all region­al, gen­er­al edu­ca­tion schools, we offer a wide range of intern­ships for career ori­en­ta­tion all year round. In par­tic­u­lar, you can try your crafts­man­ship skill in the tech­ni­cal train­ing areas and at the same time receive valu­able insights into the every­day work of a medi­um-sized company.

2 + 9 =


  • offer stu­dents intern­ships, which serve as pro­fes­sion­al orientation.
  • give the interns clear­ly defined tasks and goals and des­ig­nate a fixed con­tact per­son in the company.
  • hire interns for a rea­son­able peri­od of time.
  • do not pro­vide an intern­ship to a uni­ver­si­ty grad­u­ate who has applied for a per­ma­nent position.
  • pay stu­dents an ade­quate com­pen­sa­tion for expenses.
  • cre­ate trans­paren­cy regard­ing tasks, con­tact per­sons and objec­tives of the students.

Application process

The fastest way to apply for a job at our com­pa­ny is the online appli­ca­tion. You can use our SCHERDEL career por­tal which is sim­ple and easy to understand.


1. Application

No mate­r­i­al costs for appli­ca­tion fold­ers and paper, no ship­ping costs, no space prob­lems even with exten­sive doc­u­ments. Sim­ply apply online!


2. Interview

If you have mas­tered the first “hur­dle”, which means that you have mas­tered the selec­tion process, we invite you to get to know us. This can be a tele­phone inter­view, an online inter­view or even an invi­ta­tion to a per­son­al interview

3. Contract

If all sides are con­vinced that they are the right per­son for this job, noth­ing stands in the way of a com­mon future. The employ­ment con­tract can be signed!

SCHERDEL Careerportal

The SCHERDEL Group: Mechan­i­cal Engineering